Cache&Surf šŸ„

Cache&Surf is a must have Houdini node, for an easy and versatile cache exporting and flipbook generator solution. It works great with Houdini 19.0 and Houdini 19.5.
The idea is to make any number of simulations based on wedged parameters and to make a flipbook for every simulation and montage with stamped value for wedged parameters, so you can compare them all at once.

And all of that automatically…

Every simulation version will save a .hip file for you in a vault folder, with stamped date and time so you always have a backup file if something goes wrong or you need exact .hip file which created exact simulation from your flipbook.

Under the hood it is using Houdini TOPs network.

All you need is downloaded SideFxLabs and ImageMagick (free software), pretty easy!

You can export just geometry file ( or vdb), export geometry and create flipbook for every simulation (wedge) or all of that plus montage(with stamped wedged parameters) so you can compare your sims!

Visualise finished wedges while waiting for another wedge to be done

Gallery bellow demonstrate exported image sequence. There will be flipbook, flipbook with text for wedged parameters and montage which shows all wedges together for easier visualisation. Also there will be 2 video files, one for montage and one for flipbook with text, playing all wedged parameters one by one in a single video.